Indiana I-80 Middlebury Toll Plaza (Exit 107) Closure

Indiana I-80 Traffic | Indiana I-80 Construction | I-80 Exit Guide

The Indiana I-80 Toll Road reports that the Middlebury Toll Plaza (Exit 107), Middlebury is closed and is scheduled to reopen May 23, 2023.

This is a continuation to improve the Indiana I-80 Middlebury Toll Plaza, which sustained damage due to a car fire in January 2022. The work will involve structural, electrical, pavement, new plaza and technology equipment.

Understanding that this delay has impacted your commute, the Indiana Toll Road appreciates your patience. Staff will be working as fast as possible to reopen the plaza and will post updates a the project nears completion.

Exit at Bristol Toll Plaza (Exit 101) to SR 120

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