Lane Closures, Reduced Speeds for Multiple I-80 Construction Projects in Nebraska

Nebraska I-80 Construction | I-80 Exit Guide

The Nebraska Department of Transportation reports the following I-80 construction and maintenance projects currently underway.

I-80 construction in both directions: Intermittent lane closure. Between Exit 59: NE 17J Link; Sidney; Bridgeport and Exit 76: NE 17F Link; Lodgepole (8 to 16 miles east of Sidney). Intermittent lane closure because of road maintenance activities. Anticipated completion is April 29, 2022.

I-80 construction in both directions: between Exit 107: NE 25B Link; Big Springs and Exit 126: NE 61; US 26; Ogallala; Grant (11 miles west of the Ogallala exit). The roadway is reduced to one lane due to road construction.

I-80 construction in both directions between Exit 179: NE 56G Link; North Platte and Exit 211: NE 47; Gothenburg (7 to 19 miles east of North Platte). Road construction work is in progress. There is a 12-foot width limit in effect

I-80 construction eastbound: Road construction. Between Exit 222: NE 21; Cozad and Exit 237: US 283; Arapahoe; Lexington; Elwood (41 to 43 miles west of Kearney). Road construction work is in progress. Watch for workers. Reduced speed through work zone

I-80 Exit Guide
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