I-80 Rest Area, Welcome Center Closed in Pennsylvania

I-80 Pennnsylvania Welcome Center | I-80 Exit Guide

The Pennnsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) reports the following I-80 Welcome Center renovation update, including a breakdown of the improvements happening at the rest area near the Ohio border on I-80. The location has been temporarily closed since September 1, 2023, and is undergoing a makeover. It will reopen in January 2025.

What’s Changing

Here’s a simple overview of the improvements coming to the I-80 Welcome Center:

1. Water and Sewer Connection

Contractors are connecting the center to the public water and sewer system. This means better access to clean water and proper waste disposal for everyone.

2. Accessible Bathrooms

New ADA-compliant bathrooms are in the works, ensuring that everyone can use the restrooms comfortably.

3. Roof, Shed, and Air Station

Expect a new roof, shed, and air filling station for your convenience, rain or shine.

4. Interior Facelift

Inside, contractors are sprucing up the place with new tile and cabinets, making your visit more enjoyable.

Alternative I-80 Stops

While the I-80 Welcome Center gets its makeover, consider this alternative:

  • Eastbound on I-80: Venango County offers another rest stop.

I-80 Exit Guide
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